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Cost Of Living Tokyo: Including Cost of Rent, House, Restaurant, Transportation, And Much More

Cost Of Living Tokyo

Japan is a beautiful country, and Tokyo is Japan’s capital city. Tokyo is located on the coastline, which attracts a lot of people around the world. If you want to move to Tokyo, you must know about the cost of living in Tokyo. You will be amazed knowing that Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities. In the country of Japan, Tokyo got the second most expensive city. In the Asia subcontinent, the number of Tokyo is on the list of expensiveness in third, and worldwide it is the seventh most expensive city.

So, after knowing the number of Tokyo on the most expensive cities index, did you able to live here? This article will teach you about Tokyo’s necessary cost of living.

Cost of living in Tokyo

House acquisition costs in Tokyo

House acquisition cost in Tokyo is one of the most expensive worldwide because Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities. If you want to get a house to rent in the central parts of the city, you have to pay very high money as rent per month. However, the suburbs of the city have comparatively low rents.

The average rent of a 20×40 square meter single room flat is between 50k to 70 k yeh per month. And if you want a similar size room in the central parts of Tokyo, you have to pay around 100k yeh per month.

The rent for a 900 square feet furnished home is around 339357 Yen per month, which is for the central area of Tokyo. The rent in the suburbs of Tokyo for a similar area furnished house is around 189873 Yen per month.

Monthly utilities cost of Tokyo

The utility cost of Tokyo varies according to the location and the size of the accommodation. However, if you live in an apartment of eight-five square meters, you will pay around 27218 yen monthly for utility bills. In this utility bill, the bill of Water, Garbage, and electricity bills are included. The internet bill in Tokyo is around 5715 per month. Mobile phone call rates in Tokyo are moderate as you have to pay almost 52 yen for a one-minute phone call. The total utility bill for a single person in Tokyo is 148065 yeh; for a family, this bill could go heigh around 22590 yen for a month. The Mortgage interest rate for 20 years is 1.13& in Tokyo.

If you want to purchase a house in Tokyo, you can buy it by paying a total amount of 1352462.42 yen; this house price is for the central locations in Tokyo. If you want to buy a house in Tokyo at a lower price, then you have to choose the suburbs area of Tokyo, where you can buy a house at the cost of 857503.09 yen.

If you live and earn money in Tokyo, you can easily afford the utility cost of living in Tokyo.

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Transportation cost

In Japan, most people choose trains as their transportation means. If you are an employee of a company, then probably you got your transportation expenses filled by your company. Other you have to purchase the pass for the train. The train passes used for transportation can be purchased for different duration, i.e., from one month to multiple months. The significant railway passes that you get in Tokyo are mentioned below.

  • Japan Rail Pass
  • JR Tokyo Wide Pass
  • JR Sei shun 18 Kippu pass

The prices of train tickets in Japan are thirty percent higher than in other cities in Japan. In Tokyo, you will not regret choosing the train as your travel mean because, in Japan, the train system is one of the most modern and advanced systems. The one-way train ticket in Japan is approximately 250 yen, and the monthly pass price is around 12539 yen.

So many peoples in Tokyo also uses the car as their transportation mean. If you also prefer a car for transportation, you must know the per liter gasoline price, which is 181 per liter.

Cost of food at restaurants

In Tokyo, the restaurant food quality is very high, and this high-quality food has a lot of variety. The most famous food that is also very popular among Japanese is mentioned below.

  • Takoyaki
  • Okonomiyaki
  • Kush katsu

The main reason for the popularity of this food is its gorgeous look and taste. The price of restaurant food in Tokyo is comparatively high. If you want to eat cheap food at a restaurant, you must pay almost 500 to 1000 yeh per meal. In this category, the food menu could be mentioned below.

  • Noodles
  • Donburi
  • Curry Rice
  • Bibimbap
  • Hamburger

A Cappuccino in Tokyo is 500 yen per cup, and half litter pepsin or coke can cost you 161 yen. The price of Beer in the pub is 596 yen per half a liter.

Healthcare costs in Tokyo

The personal care system in Tokyo is very advanced; you can have the treatment of almost any kind of disease here. However, essential medicine like Tylenol, Frenadol, and cold res can cost you 1098 Yeh for six days. The price of 12 doses of antibiotics is 1409 yeh.

If you need to visit a private doctor for a quick checkup, this will cost you 4910 yen/15 minutes.

Final Thoughts

It is a fact that Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in Japan and the world. However, if you compare the qualities of goods and services in Tokyo, the price for these things is reasonable. In addition, if you live and work in Tokyo, then you can easily afford the cost of living in Tokyo.


Does it cost a lot to live in Tokyo?

Tokyo, the most expensive city in the world, has a reputation for having high living costs, especially in the summer. Living costs in Japan tend to be dominated by rent, automobile ownership, and transportation.

Is there a minimum salary required to live in Tokyo?

In Tokyo, a single frugal person can live on about 1,103 USD per month (excluding rent), while a family of four can live on about 3,984 USD per month (excluding rent). Despite this, the cost of living varies greatly depending on lifestyle and accommodation.